Considering buying a new home? Been shopping for a while, but with no luck?
Relax. It’ll happen. Home-buying’s a stressful, unpredictable experience. So hopefully you’ve made a wise choice with your realtor.
When you buy a new home, you certainly hope you’ll use energy more efficiently. Your energy bills may go up if you’re buying a bigger house. But your efficiency should improve, regardless of the size.
If you find yourself shopping for houses, here’s what you should look for to make sure you get the energy efficiency you want:
Yeah, you’d expect a new home to have greater energy efficiency than your current one. But, this may not be the case.
Sometimes, contractors cut corners when they construct new homes. They don’t include the right size air conditioner (in tonnage) for the home. They don’t account for Stack Effect (air flow upward out of your home).
Sure, everything looks nice and new. But appearances can be deceiving. If energy savings are important to you in a new home, then make sure you discuss this with your realtor so you actually get the savings you expect.
The Energy Star label doesn’t guarantee the appliances in your new home will have the greatest efficiency. Energy Star has allowed manufacturers to apply the label to their own products without third-party inspection.
So, learn the appliance makes and models, and research them online at sites like Consumer Reports to make sure they’re the energy-efficient versions you want.
If you’re like most homeowners, you judge the home you’re about to buy based on its “curb appeal.” That’s fine, because it is a good indicator of how well everything else in that home gets taken care of.
But have you ever wondered how energy-efficient the processes are which make that home’s curb appeal so magnificent?
The home you’re considering should have an energy-efficient sprinkler system, dark soil for retaining moisture, use only native plants, and should have mulch to replace water-consuming grass.
The unseen factor, insulation, makes or breaks your home’s energy efficiency (or lack thereof) in many cases. Check to see if the home you’re considering is Energy Star certified. If it’s not, ask if a home energy audit has ever been performed. And if that hasn’t happened, negotiate one as a condition of purchase.
Buying a new home is almost always a stressful experience. But with these tips in mind, you at least don’t have to worry about energy efficiency.
And if you can’t buy a new home today, but still want to save energy or energy costs, call Pronto Power. If you are seeking low prepaid electric rates, Pronto has the Best Prepaid Rates in Texas and they can provide you Power Within the Hour. Signup today!
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