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4 Baloney Energy-Savings “Tips” You Should Ignore

4 Baloney Energy-Savings “Tips” You Should Ignore

With all the energy-savings chatter out there and the concern about the present and future welfare of the earth, some misinformation spreads. It happens. Some people are so fanatically dedicated to this way of thinking that they distort reality in their own mind and then spread their thinking to others. Some energy savings “tips” are … Continue reading 4 Baloney Energy-Savings “Tips” You Should Ignore

How Hemp Could Be the Next Great Money-Saving Insulator

How Hemp Could Be the Next Great Money-Saving Insulator

Before you settle into your mental defenses about hemp, understand that when hemp is used as an insulator, it doesn’t get you high. It contains less than 1% THC, which means it can’t possibly be psychoactive. So in other words: we’re not taking any stance on the legalization of marijuana in any way whatsoever. We’re … Continue reading How Hemp Could Be the Next Great Money-Saving Insulator

6 Energy Savings Tips for Fanatics Only

6 Energy Savings Tips for Fanatics Only

How far will you go to save energy? Will you buy a highly efficient AAA-battery-powered LED flashlight you turn on at night so you don’t have to turn on the lights? Yep. We’re not joking. These tips are crazy. They’re doable. They’re extreme. And a few mixed nuts around the country actually do these things. … Continue reading 6 Energy Savings Tips for Fanatics Only

The #1 Guaranteed-to-Work Energy Savings Tip

The #1 Guaranteed-to-Work Energy Savings Tip

Yep. This tip always works. Every time. You always save energy with it. It worked 100 years ago. It’ll work 100 years from now. It’ll work 1000 years from now. What is it? Change your behavior. Simple. But not always easy. So how do you make behavior change easier and more likely? And let’s make … Continue reading The #1 Guaranteed-to-Work Energy Savings Tip

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