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4 Simple Home Energy Management Technologies to Install Today

Yep. Technology is changing the game again. When electricity was originally invented, Thomas Edison only knew about direct current. DC only would work if you had a power station every mile. Then, Nikola Tesla came along with alternating current. That allows us to have power stations many miles away. Today, you have all sorts of … Continue reading 4 Simple Home Energy Management Technologies to Install Today

How to Avoid Solar Energy Rip-offs

Where thereā€™s money to be made, thereā€™s con artists to be found. These days, con artists have become adept at blending right in with everyone else. Theyā€™re hard to pick apart from the crowd. And any industry with strong growth potential is sure to have them. That includes solar energy. Solar hasnā€™t yet become the … Continue reading How to Avoid Solar Energy Rip-offs

How to Save Energy When You Buy a New Home

You read that title right ā€“ learning how to save energy when you buy a new home. Because truthfully, new homes arenā€™t always constructed to be highly energy-efficient. Yes, theyā€™re new and they look good. But contractors do cut corners sometimes, which can leave you with massive energy bills when you donā€™t have a lot … Continue reading How to Save Energy When You Buy a New Home

Simple Energy Savings Tactics You Can Borrow From Celebs

At first, you may think you canā€™t afford to do the same energy-saving and carbon-footprint reducing things that celebrities do. While you may not be able to do everything they can, you can certainly do some of those things. And they all make a difference. So take a minute to see what some of our … Continue reading Simple Energy Savings Tactics You Can Borrow From Celebs

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