Weather Alert: Due to inclement weather, our business hours will be 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on January 21 and 22. Regular business hours will resume on January 23. Thank you for your understanding!

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4 Mistakes You Might Be Making That Cause High Energy Bills in Spring

4 Mistakes You Might Be Making That Cause High Energy Bills in Spring

You can easily find advice on any topic online. But, as you know, you can find good advice that works. And you can find plain old info that doesn’t actually work like it says. That’s certainly true when it comes to energy savings. So, what are some mistakes you might make that you can easily … Continue reading 4 Mistakes You Might Be Making That Cause High Energy Bills in Spring

How to Optimize Your Electricity Use in Spring

How to Optimize Your Electricity Use in Spring

Like saving electricity? That little spring sweet spot is coming! it’s warm enough to not use your heat and cool enough to not use your AC. What a grand time of year! Toss on a sweater or just sit around in your shorts all day, and you’re still comfortable. It just doesn’t get any better … Continue reading How to Optimize Your Electricity Use in Spring

What Causes Drafts In Your Home?

What Causes Drafts In Your Home?

Drafts in and of themselves may not actually waste much energy. But, they can make you feel cooler and more uncomfortable. And that might lead to you adjusting your HVAC more. Finally, that results in a larger electric bill. What causes drafts? What can you do about them? Find out below: 1. Obvious Leaks from … Continue reading What Causes Drafts In Your Home?

3 Energy Savings Habits to Use To Save the Earth

3 Energy Savings Habits to Use To Save the Earth

You’ve probably heard about putting those foam gaskets inside your electrical outlets to reduce air flow and keep your home more comfortable, right? But honestly, how much energy does that really save? And how much do you help the earth with that energy savings tactic? It’s easy to think about the energy savings tips that … Continue reading 3 Energy Savings Habits to Use To Save the Earth

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