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How Has Coronavirus Affected US Energy Use?

Recessions always cause a decline in energy use. The question really lies in the extent. With less money flowing around, less gets done. Consumers also don’t have as much money in their pockets and save where they can. And so, you end up with lower electricity use. You’ve probably noticed either yourself, or perhaps one … Continue reading How Has Coronavirus Affected US Energy Use?

How to Stay Cool in Texas in October

The weather certainly gets cooler here in Texas in October. But it can still be a tad steamy, and especially so in the earlier part of the month. But because October finally cools down (at least some anyway), keeping cool is a bit easier than it is during the summer. Here’s what you might do … Continue reading How to Stay Cool in Texas in October

What Not to Do If You Want Your Family Involved in Energy Savings

If you’ve read this blog recently, you know we talk frequently about ways to get your family involved in energy savings. It can be hard with certain family members. You may have long standing friction in your relationships that makes getting everyone on the same page difficult. But ultimately, you’ve learned many methods for turning … Continue reading What Not to Do If You Want Your Family Involved in Energy Savings

Why Energy Savings Is Really All About Relationships

Trying to get all your family members to agree to work towards a single goal sure can be challenging, can’t it? Maybe you feel anxious and stressed just thinking about it. …And that’s really the case when pretty much any goal requires the actions of more than one person to achieve. You always have a … Continue reading Why Energy Savings Is Really All About Relationships

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