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How Congress’ Infrastructure Bill Actually Improves the Grid

How Congress’ Infrastructure Bill Actually Improves the Grid

It seems hard to believe, but politicians actually do something right every once in a while. No matter what you think of the United States’ Infrastructure Bill, it will undeniably improve our nation’s energy efficiency. Modern as our nation is, many parts of our current grid are actually
get this
more than a century old! even … Continue reading How Congress’ Infrastructure Bill Actually Improves the Grid

9 Little-Known Winter Energy Savings Hacks

9 Little-Known Winter Energy Savings Hacks

You’ve heard all the standard ways to save energy on this blog before. Those no doubt lead you to the greatest energy savings. But, you can save even more if you’re willing to take some out-of-the-box actions like these: 1. Only Wash with a Full Sink Yes, dishwashers do save you water versus washing the … Continue reading 9 Little-Known Winter Energy Savings Hacks

How to Save Energy This Winter

How to Save Energy This Winter

Hopefully you don’t experience electric bills costing thousands of dollars like many Texas residents did this past February! The only thing that will save you from that is being with an REP you trust. And when you find that REP, you can optimize the savings you get from them by changing your own behavior. Here’s … Continue reading How to Save Energy This Winter

Can America Reach Net-Zero by 2050?

Can America Reach Net-Zero by 2050?

Many global climate change talking heads warn that we need to dramatically transform our energy usage right now to avoid real catastrophe. Not a slow-and-steady approach. But one that completely overhauls our energy use and changes the entire landscape (literally and figuratively) of the US. What does that actually look like though? And what needs … Continue reading Can America Reach Net-Zero by 2050?

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