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4 Fall Energy Savings Tips and Projects

Fall’s coming. Soon enough, stores will switch their inventory to meet your needs. And who knows? With the COVID variants coming into play, you may find yourself at home much more than your employer currently thinks. If that’s the case this fall and winter, that means more energy use. Even if that doesn’t happen, you’re … Continue reading 4 Fall Energy Savings Tips and Projects

4 Smart Home Upgrades to Improve Your Energy Efficiency

The home of today is becoming unlike any other home in the past. How energy-efficient will the home of tomorrow be? Only time will tell. For now, learn about the main smart home upgrades to improve your energy efficiency. By the way, we’ll skip the talk about smart thermostats (just remember they’re probably the biggest … Continue reading 4 Smart Home Upgrades to Improve Your Energy Efficiency

4 Summer Energy Savings Tips to Implement as Summer Winds Down

Summer’s winding down. But is COVID? It’s hard to say. Employers are slowly returning workers to the office. Yours may or may not have changed their work-from-home policy. And then that policy might change again right away if the COVID delta variants wreak too much havoc. So you have a good chance of being stuck … Continue reading 4 Summer Energy Savings Tips to Implement as Summer Winds Down

7 Bathroom Energy Savings Tips: Summer Edition

If you’re serious about saving energy, you’ll analyze how you use it in every room in your home and make the efficiency improvements you can. So, let’s take a look at your bathroom and see what gains you can make: 1. Collect the Cold Shower Water You know those seconds that pass while you wait … Continue reading 7 Bathroom Energy Savings Tips: Summer Edition

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