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5 Benefits of Smart Meters

5 Benefits of Smart Meters

Your smart meter…you probably never think about it. Itā€™s kind of like the floor in your home. Itā€™s always there. It does its job. But you never really appreciate what it does for you. And it does much more for you than you realize. Take a look at some of the top benefits of smart … Continue reading 5 Benefits of Smart Meters

Spring Cleaning: Time to Change Your Retail Electric Provider?

Spring Cleaning: Time to Change Your Retail Electric Provider?

Deregulating the Texas electricity market has driven down costs for consumers on the whole since it was enacted in the early 2000s. Now that you have the power to choose, how do you make that decision? What may make it worth your time to change? And what should you look for in your next REP? … Continue reading Spring Cleaning: Time to Change Your Retail Electric Provider?

Spring Into Energy Savings: How to Do Your Own Energy Audit

Spring Into Energy Savings: How to Do Your Own Energy Audit

High temperatures have already hit us here in Texas. But you can still score bigtime energy savings. And, you donā€™t have to hire a professional HVAC service to do a home energy audit. You can easily do your own. Hereā€™s what you can expect to learn: You can diagnose unknown problems if you get a … Continue reading Spring Into Energy Savings: How to Do Your Own Energy Audit

Submetering in Texas: Know Your Rights

Submetering in Texas: Know Your Rights

If you live in a multi-unit complex (apartments, condos, mobile home park), you may have your smart meter read by the complex or park management rather than the electric company. This is called ā€œsub-metering.ā€ In other cases, you may not have a separate meter for your unit. So instead you may be billed for your … Continue reading Submetering in Texas: Know Your Rights

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