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The 4 Perfect Times to Do a Home Energy Audit

Home energy audits can help you save big. You can have a contractor do one, and you can even do your own too.

You can save around 30% around your energy bills, and possibly more if your home has some serious issues going on.

But when should you do a home energy audit? How do you know you need one?

Here are some key times to do a home energy audit:

1. After You Buy a New Home

While you’re buying a new home, there’s no point in doing a home energy audit until after you have the home.

If you do one before or during the process, the problems it catches likely won’t be considered defects, and you wouldn’t be able to negotiate the previous homeowner fixing them.

But immediately after you buy a new home is a good time to do an audit.

It can be hard to learn what the previous homeowners did for the home’s energy efficiency. And even newly built homes can have serious energy efficiency issues.

2. Noticeable Temperature Fluctuations Throughout Your Home

If you can feel the difference in temperature in various areas in your home without using a thermometer, then that’s a good time to do a home energy audit.

You might have a room that’s an entirely different temperature than all the others. Or you might just have various hot and cold spots here and there.

This may indicate poor zoning by a previous contractor. It could also show serious issues with your current HVAC system.

In either case, a home energy audit will reveal the true problems.

3. Unusually High Energy Bills

A surprise on your electric bill could be a great time for a home energy audit, unless you’re aware of a glaring issue that needs fixing.

Just make sure the high energy bills weren’t caused by a recent temperature extreme or a billing issue with your REP.

But if your bills are way more than average, that’s a good indicator you have something going on that needs fixing.

4. Condensation on the Interior of Your Windows

Exterior window condensation is not a problem at all. But interior window condensation can indicate ventilation problems.

It may also just be the result of steam from your shower or your cooking.

But, it may also show leaky window panes, or leaks around the window frame.

If the condensation clearly doesn’t result from steam and heat you generate, then this may be a good time for a home energy audit to find the true source of the problem.

So those are the best times to do a home energy audit. And it can lead you to a nice chunk of energy savings for decades to come.

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