Weather Alert: Due to inclement weather, our business hours will be 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on January 21 and 22. Regular business hours will resume on January 23. Thank you for your understanding!

For those affected by COVID-19, please click this link to learn more about the Electricity Relief Program.
Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Why Prepaying Electric Customers Save More Electricity and Money

Believe it or not, prepaying electricity customers save more money on their electricity bills than post-paying customers.


Is it because they typically come to us in a hard financial situation that didn’t allow them to be a post-paying customer?

That probably plays a role.

Is it because we charge the cheapest rates in Texas?

That helps too.

But neither of those reasons likely makes up the primary reason prepaying customers save more than their post-pay counterparts.

The Real Reason Prepaying Customers Save More on Their Electricity Bills

It’s likely because we give them real-time updates of their electricity usage. Our customers can log in online and literally see how they use electricity in their home right this minute.

Stop running the washer and dryer, and you can watch your electricity usage fall immediately.

So, that means you can see how everything you do affects your electricity usage. And you can understand how to change your behavior so you maximize your savings.

Plus, all our customers get daily text or email (or both) notifications reminding them of their usage and account balance. When you keep something at the forefront of your mind like this, you’re much more likely to follow through on actions that support your goals in that regard.

That’s just the way humans work!

You’re Biggest Opportunities for Savings

Every home has basically the same energy-sucking culprits. And those are your:

  1. HVAC system (greatest energy use)
  2. Water heater
  3. Washer + dryer
  4. Lighting
  5. Fridge
  6. Electric oven (least energy use)

Your HVAC system by far consumes the most energy out of all these. So anything you can do to optimize your use of it or to insulate your home and keep the conditioned air inside and the outdoor air outside where it belongs makes the biggest difference to your personal bottom line.

What If You Encounter Financial Hardship and Have a Hard Time Paying Your Bill?

You can monitor your electricity usage to perfection to maximize your savings.

But, you can’t control everything in life.

Sometimes, everything that could go wrong (financially speaking) does.

Then, you have to choose which bills to pay.

If things get rough like this for you, you don’t have to worry because Pronto Power is here to help.

Let us know as soon as you run into trouble, and we’re happy to help you make it through the most difficult of times.

Hopefully, that never happens.

And for now, enjoy your savings!

Call Pronto Power at 844-621-2852 to check the savings today!

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday