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How to Save Energy with Your Smartphone

Everything about smartphones absolutely rocks, doesn’t it?

Well, almost everything.

Your smartphone just rocks until it gets a little old and the battery life starts to wear down.

Speaking of that battery, how can you save energy and keep the battery alive as long as possible, which also reduces the time you’d have to charge your phone (and your energy bills too)?

1. Dim Your Screen’s Brightness

Some smartphones do this automatically. But you can manually adjust the brightness too. This is actually one of the biggest energy savings opportunities with your smartphone.

So find a setting less than 100% that makes you happy, and dim your screen a little bit.

2. Turn Off Apps You Don’t Use

The more apps you run at the same time, the more energy your smartphone uses. Don’t feel burdened by doing this.

You can actually find apps for managing your apps. Which, if you have a lot of apps, makes this process a lot easier.

3. Turn Off Location Services

Your phone can’t go into sleep mode when location services are on. And if you’re in an area with a poor signal, location services use even more battery power to connect with GPS satellites.

4. Update Your Phone’s OS to The Latest Version

Tech companies are just as environmentally conscious as you are. They identify new ways to improve your phone’s energy efficiency.

So, if you don’t already do it, upgrade your phone when it notifies you of system software updates.

5. Enable Energy-Saving Mode

You can set your phone to low-power mode all the time, or you can set it to kick in when your phone battery drops to a certain low charge level, like 15-20% or so.

Typically, this reduces brightness, background downloading, and cloud services. But you can still text, call, and use the internet.

6. Keep Your Phone Out of Temperature Extremes

Your phone’s battery works best in about 62 to 72 degrees. Permanent damage can happen to your battery’s storage capability if the temperature consistently stays above 95.

Your battery doesn’t hold a charge as well in colder temperatures, but this does not result in permanent damage to your battery.

7. Remove the Case When Charging

Heavy, bulky cases actually trap heat when your phone charges, which reduces your battery’s energy capacity.

If you notice your phone becomes hot when charging, take it out of its case when doing so.

You’re not going to change the world by using your phone with greater efficiency. But you will help your own bottom line a little bit.

Every dollar counts, and this also does the earth a little good too!

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