We’ve certainly made great strides with our energy efficiency when you talk about our country as a whole.
A 2015 ACEE report reveals that our energy use increased 26% since 1980, but US domestic gross product increased by 149% during the same time. Energy used per dollar of GDP produced fell from 12.1 BTUs to 6.1 BTUs during the same time, a nearly 50% fall.
In other words, we’re using much less energy to produce a much higher economic output.
That’s certainly good news. Our nation’s focus on energy efficiency has produced real results.
But we’ve still got work to do.
After all, we’re the leading nation in the world when it comes to entrepreneurship and innovation. No one questions that.
Here’s some evidence that clarifies how we’re currently doing as a country when it comes to energy efficiency:
1. The United States Ranks 10th Among the 25 Most Modern Nations
ACEE creates an annual report called “The International Energy Efficiency Scorecard.” As you might guess, it ranks all the leading nations in the world in regard to energy efficiency.
We rank 10th in the world. That’s not bad. But when you consider our leading status in innovation, it shows we lag a little compared to our capability.
In case you’re wondering, here’s the total top 10:
You can read the full 132-page report here. But for now, at least you have an idea that we’re not as good as we could be.
2. What’s the Biggest Threat to Our Energy Efficiency?
So can you and we do anything about our challenges with energy efficiency? Where’s the waste happening?
Well, according to 2016 data, much of the loss in our energy efficiency comes from wasted heat. That wasted heat comes from car exhaust, factories, and light bulbs.
You can’t control what American manufacturers do. But you can control how you drive your car. And you can certainly control what kind of light bulbs you have and how you use them.
So you can absolutely help out.
3. Other Threats to Your Energy Efficiency
In your own home, other leading threats to energy efficiency include vampire energy usage from computers, laptops, tablets, and TVs resting in stand-by mode (make sure you turn them off).
And of course, what will probably always be the big one, your heating and cooling usage.
We’ve blogged about all these topics before. And you can easily find plenty of information on them.
Our country is fairly efficient. But we can do better. And it all starts right in your own home doing what you can control.
And now, you know exactly what to focus on.
Don’t just help the planet and our country, but save money too!
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8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday