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5 Overlooked Summer Energy Savings Tips

Tired of hearing the same old blah-blah-blah about saving energy?

If you’ve read one energy savings blog post, you’ve read them all.

…Until now!

Check out these overlooked summer energy savings tips for opportunities to save that you likely have never considered:

1. Measure Your Use

That which gets measured actually gets improved upon. Do you measure your energy use?

You can do it with a number of different physical energy monitors or apps. And some REPs even give you software that shows how you’re using electricity right now.

Whatever you choose, as long as you measure, you put yourself in a great position for reducing your energy use.

2. Look for Rebates

The government, REPs, or even manufacturers run rebates. For example (although this is cheating a little) the best time to upgrade your central air conditioning system is in fall or spring, when demand for that is low.

That’s when manufacturers run specials.

Call and ask your REP about possible available rebates. Subscribe to their email newsletter so you get notified. Sometimes REPs run specials on LED light bulbs, for example.

You just never know what could come up. All you can do is look and stay tuned in.

3. Compare Electricity Rates

In Texas, we have a deregulated electricity market. That means more competition. And it also means the opportunity for lower rates.

As you compare REPs, make sure you read any contracts carefully. Contracts can be used as traps. But some REPs don’t even require you to sign a contract.

Shop your electricity rates every few months. And focus on this especially during the summer when rates get high due to increased demand.

4. Redecorate Your Home with Lighter Colors

To the extent that you can, redecorate the interior of your home with fabrics that have lighter colors.

Lighter colors reflect more sunlight and keep your home cool. Darker colors absorb it and increase heat.

If you’re ambitious, make sure your home’s interior is painted with light colors too.

And interestingly, your mind feels cooler and more comfortable when you use lighter colors. We’re speaking from a purely psychological perspective here.

Yes. Your brain, simply because it sees lighter colors and not because those lighter colors reflect more sunlight, will tell your body to feel cooler and more comfortable.

Interesting, huh?

5. Wear Lighter Clothing

As long as we’re on the subject, wear light-colored clothing too. It reflects the sunlight. That makes you feel cooler and more comfortable.

And you’re much less likely to turn down the thermostat and use more energy.

Did you know any of these? Were they all new? Which ones will you add to your life?

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