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The Seasonal Energy Savings “Energy Life Hacks” Guide

It’s all been said somewhere more than once. But it all hasn’t been compiled into a single, convenient place so you can save as much energy as possible.

There’s nothing magical about saving energy. It involves hundreds of tiny decisions that all lead to the number you see on your monthly bill.

But, knowing what to pay attention to might be the more challenging issue. And if that’s your difficulty, you’re in the right place!

Check out these “energy life hacks” which have appeared on our blog over the years:

1. How to Save Energy in Spring

Spring’s the best time to save energy because the air temperature can be relatively comfortable for much of the season. So, you don’t need to heavily depend on your biggest energy users, like your HVAC system.

Here’s some more resources on keeping your energy use in check during spring:

Watch Your Savings Surge During Summer

Summer’s the most brutal time of year when it comes to your energy use. So, if you’re going to spend time figuring out how to save energy, this is the season to do it.

And here’s where to focus your time:

3. Don’t Miss out on Fall Savings

It’s easy to overlook energy savings during the other transition season – fall. But if you truly want to save, you look for opportunities all year round.

Here’s what to look for, and what to avoid, during fall:

4. Last But Certainly Not Least: Winter

This past winter was an unexpectedly intense one. Fortunately, just like your favorite blanket, we have you covered:

Want all this helpful energy savings content in a simple guide you can take with you? Download our seasonal energy savings guide

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With Pronto Power, there’s absolutely zero risk. Call 1-844-621-2852 free within the hour to join free if your home has a smart meter.

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