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So You Want the Cheapest Electricity Rates in Texas, Eh?

At Pronto Power, you get the cheapest electricity rates in Texas. And there’s no hidden fees or hassles of any kind. Plus, there’s no contract to sign.

That’s a bold statement to make. How can you be sure it’s true?

For starters, the fact that you don’t sign a contract protects you. Most companies use those as traps to keep you in their grips while they drain as much money of yours as they can. They may even create newer, and more clever, ways to get your money in ways you don’t even notice.

Since you don’t sign a contract, you can leave Pronto Power at any time, and for any reason. If you ever get the sense that you’re not getting a fair deal, just call and cancel, and you’re done. You can even leave for reasons that have nothing to do with us at all.

The cheapest electricity rates in Texas are simply available. You don’t have to qualify or do anything special to get them.

How You Get the Cheapest Rates

Since you don’t sign a contract and we tell you there’s no hidden fees, you save big money that way.

So, that’s one way you save big.

The second is through fair and accurate billing. Some electric companies make you pay for “estimated usage.” When they estimate, guess whose favor they estimate in?

Certainly not yours!

You only get billed for what you actually use (in kilowatt-hours). To check our accuracy, compare your billed usage to your public usage recorded at

Finally, you also see your usage in real-time. And, you get daily updates on your billed usage.

With the real-time updates, you can unplug appliances and watch your usage go down immediately. So, you can learn exactly how you use electricity and what you can do to use it more efficiently.

Our typical customer reduces their costs 25% by monitoring their usage and changing their behavior.

So Yeah, You Really Do Get the Cheapest Electricity Rates in Texas

What are you waiting for?

The cheapest electricity rates in Texas can be yours in under an hour, if your home already has a smart meter.

Just call 844.621.2852 now to sign up!

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday