The good thing about capitalism is all the choices you get.
The bad thing about capitalism is all the choices you get.
It works both ways, doesn’t it?
Energy deregulation was supposed to drive down electric prices for Texas consumers. But, evidence shows they may actually have risen.
However, while the average price may be higher since deregulation in 2001, the truth is that not every company charges you high.
But then again, you have to be careful when evaluating electricity rates because all sorts of confusing and hidden fees get tossed in. Not every company does that. But many do.
So what looks like a good sticker price can actually turn out to be your worst nightmare. Instead of paying 13 cents per kWh, you might end up at 22 – 25. That’s double the national market rate!
Why do we do this? Why don’t we do what all the other companies do and make the rules of a contract confusing so you don’t actually understand what you get until you pay?
…Because we understand that earning your business is a long-term relationship.
Other companies don’t mind if you hop to someone else because they’ve gotten their money from you. They’re short-sighted.
However, we know we can keep you as a customer for years by giving you exactly what you expect (and want).
So with that mind, here’s what you get:
…But there’s gotta be a catch, right?
Well, not really. All we ask is that you prepay for your electricity. However, you can prepay as you’d like: monthly, weekly, or even daily if you want.
You get a text or email notification at 7 AM each day that tells you how much you have in your account. As long as you keep your account balance positive with just one single penny, your electricity stays on.
There’s no connection fees for starting, and no disconnection fees if you choose to leave.
That’s it. Plain, honest, simple, and straightforward. Business like it should be. And it’s just another day here at Pronto Power.
Call 844.621.2852 to get connected (and access the lowest electricity quotes) within the hour!
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday