Many people find it difficult to establish credit: those without any credit cards, those who pay in cash, young college students, and many others. Many businesses that bill monthly ask for a credit check, but not Pronto Power. Your Fort Worth prepaid power provider skips over credit checks with a different approach to billing: prepaid power.
Credit checks determine your past history of paying bills. If you have a history of good bill payment, you may not have to pay a deposit to begin a utility service or rent an apartment. But if you choose to pay your bills in cash, it is nearly impossible to establish a credit rating, and most businesses ask for money in the form of a deposit to offset a bill you may not be able to pay.
Pronto Power’s billing system does not work like that. Instead, you pay for your service as you use it, which means we have no reason to run a credit check or charge a deposit to any of our prepaid customers. As a matter of fact, Pronto Power is completely transparent about their pricing with no small print, no contracts, and no credit checks. Instead, we offer great customer service and superior electricity rates.
When you sign up for our service, you pay a small fee in advance. This is not a deposit; the money is placed in your account, and you use it to pay for your electricity. At the time you sign up for service, we will also show you how to use an app to track in real time how much power you are using. With access to your digital power meter, you can see the amount of kilowatt-hours you are using from the comfort of your couch, truck, or office. Many studies have proven that you use less power when you are able to track it in real time.
From your app you can also see how much money you have remaining in your account. When it begins to run low, simply add more funds. You add money to your schedule – daily, weekly, or once a month. As long as your account shows you have at least one cent, your power remains on. And you will receive daily updates every morning via text, email, or both. These reminders let you know how much power you have used and how much money remains in your account. You make the decision at that time to add more funds or let it ride a little longer.
Signing up for Fort Worth prepaid power with Pronto Power is easy – call us today at 844 621-2852 to begin. If your home has a smart meter (98% of Texas homes are equipped with a smart meter) you can have Pronto Power within the hour. You’ll be amazed by how much you save every month.
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday