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Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Haltom City’s Cheapest No-Deposit Power Company

It’s prepaid electricity. And it’s the cheapest you can get in Haltom City.

Sound good?

Wait…there’s more.

When you choose Pronto Power, you don’t have to sign a contract that you don’t understand. You never pay any hidden fees. You don’t have to pay a deposit. And there’s no hassles of any kind.

Plus, you’re guaranteed to qualify because you don’t have to go through a credit check or an ID check.

And, customer service can’t wait to make you happy!

So, you get the cheapest prepaid rates of all electric companies in Haltom City. And you don’t have any risk because you don’t sign a contract, don’t have a deposit, and never pay any hidden fees.

And yes, it really is like that. Because if we don’t follow through, you can leave at any time and for any reason (even if it’s not our fault).

How Can Pronto Power Offer the Cheapest No-Deposit Power and Great Service with No Contract?

Many electric companies have a short-term, profit-now business model. They raise fees or have hidden fees, and even come up with new ones to add to their bottom line.

They trap you in a contract. They milk you for all you’re worth. And then they move on and get new customers when you leave.

At Pronto Power, we give you great service from the start so you stay with us for the long-term. That means we don’t need to create hidden fees to profit. We save money by not churning customers.

And those savings pass right onto you.

Plus, You Can Save An Extra 20% Versus Other Texas Electric Companies

You already get the cheapest rates. And you can save 20% more. When you join Pronto Power, you get access to an online energy usage monitoring tool.

It shows you exactly how you use electricity right now. Turn off your TV and watch your power use go down right this instant.

Our customers use this to learn how they use electricity and change their behavior. Many save 20% on their electricity. And some…even more!

You can too.

For the cheapest prepay electric in Haltom City with great service and no contract or hidden fees, join Pronto Power free by calling 844.621.2852 today!

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday