Finally, a REP who doesn’t play any tricks or games and simply delivers you amazing value for your money.
With Pronto Power, there’s:
…And a customer service team who can’t wait to do their job. Plus, they’re happy to help you create a payment plan if you ever have difficulty taking care of your bill.
You’re smart to be skeptical. Many REPs offer what sound like good deals, but then nail you with all sorts of hidden fees when you sign their contract.
But with Pronto Power, you don’t even sign a contract!
Plus, since you don’t pay any connection or disconnection fees, you join completely risk-free and can cancel anytime and for any reason.
We can offer you this great deal because we aim at keeping customers for the long-term, rather than churning and burning them.
This leads to marketing and sales savings. And we pass those savings right on to you!
This one puts you totally in control. When you join Pronto Power, you get free access to an online electricity monitoring tool.
It shows you exactly how you’re using electricity right this very moment.
You simply study how you use electricity over time. And then you change your behavior.
Many of our customers save 20%…and some even more!
Look, you just can’t get the same deal anywhere else. No contract. No hidden fees. No deposit. And the chance to save 20% off the already cheapest prepaid rates in Texas.
And then you simply add more funds however works best for you (monthly, weekly, or even daily if you need to).
Join Pronto Power free within the hour if your home has a smart meter when you call 844.621.2852!
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday