Weather Alert: Due to inclement weather, our business hours will be 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on January 21 and 22. Regular business hours will resume on January 23. Thank you for your understanding!

For those affected by COVID-19, please click this link to learn more about the Electricity Relief Program.
Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Get Keller’s Cheapest Prepaid No-Deposit Power in Less Than an Hour

It’s frustrating to deal with all your consumer services, isn’t it?

They know you have more than you can handle. So they load their contracts with hidden fees and other confusing terms they know you don’t understand so they can squeeze just a little bit more money out of you.

REPs are no exception.

But Pronto Power is the exception!

That’s because with Pronto Power, there’s:

In other words, the cheapest prepay electric in Keller can be yours within the hour without any inconveniences at all.

And it’s worth a try because it’s absolutely risk-free and you can cancel anytime and for any reason.

How Can Pronto Power Offer Such an Amazing Deal?

This sounds too good to be true at first, doesn’t it?

But it’s not. And that’s because we’ve optimized our own internal operations for the maximum efficiency possible. It’s our obsession.

That allows us to extend this incredible offer to you.

Come On. There Has to Be a Catch. What Do You Need from Me?

There is no catch. We’re happy to have reliable, long-term customers.

Then you add funds to your prepaid account however you want (monthly, weekly, or even daily).

Just have a single penny in your account by 1 PM each day to keep your electricity on.

And if you ever have trouble paying, please let us know. We’re happy to help you create a payment plan that gets you through even the worst financial circumstances.

Plus, Save 20% More Versus Other Texas Electric Companies

Not only do you pay the cheapest prepaid kWh rate in Texas.

But you can save 20% off that. And possibly even more…

When you join Ponto Power, you get access to a free online electricity monitoring tool.

Then, you simply login and learn how you use electricity over time.

Make small changes.

And then watch the savings roll in.

Some customers save 20%…and many even more!

Join Pronto Power Free Within the Hour If Your Home Has a Smart Meter

You can start racking in the savings within the hour if your home has a smart meter.

Get the cheapest prepaid electric with no hassles, no hidden fees, and no contract when you call 844.621.2852.

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday