Weather Alert: Due to inclement weather, our business hours will be 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on January 21 and 22. Regular business hours will resume on January 23. Thank you for your understanding!
Why didn’t they tell you that when you grow up people only seem to want your money?
Isn’t that what life becomes?
The bank wants you to pay your mortgage. The government wants your student loans. And taxes. You might have an auto loan. Perhaps your credit cards got loaded up with expenses too.
Then you have a child. Or two. And the hospital thinks you have $10,000 laying around to pay them.
Oh, and don’t forget auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, life insurance, and your smartphone bill…
Yeesh. It never ends, does it?
Wait! One more thing: your electric bill.
How’re you supposed to pay that when you have all these other bills swarming around you the whole time too?
When will someone actually take the time to care about you and your situation, rather than trying to beat more money out of you?
You could easily throw your hands up in the air in frustration and overwhelm!
But Don’t Sweat It! Pronto Power’s Here to Deliver You the Cheapest Electric Rates (And Work with You to Keep Your Electricity On)
We don’t want to be part of the problem. We want to offer you solutions.
And that’s precisely what you get.
First, you get the cheapest rates in Dallas – or anywhere in Texas, for that matter. Feel free to shop around and confirm. But do make sure you add on connection fees and other fees the other companies charge so you get an accurate figure.
Speaking of fees, you don’t pay any of those with Pronto Power.
None. Zip. Zero whatsoever.
You do pay $20 to open your prepaid electric account. But that goes to the cost of your electricity exclusively!
Plus, you’ll save on your electric bill (versus the average Texan) because you get real-time electric usage monitoring. You can check how you use your electricity online. Unplug an appliance, and watch your electricity use drop immediately. Customers who monitor their electricity usage like this always save more money.
Finally, you don’t sign a contract. So that means you have absolutely no risk. If you end up disappointed with Pronto Power for any reason, you’re free to leave.
Have a Smart Meter? Get the Cheapest Electricity in Dallas in Under an Hour!
That’s right. If your home has a smart meter, there’s a 99% chance we can get you connected to our grid within an hour.
That means you get the cheapest electricity rates in Dallas practically right away.
Just call 844.621.2852 now.
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday