Want cheap electricity?
Buyer beware…
Those cheap rates you often see advertised just get you in the door. Then, once you sign a contract and become a customer, those companies do everything they can to take all that green stuff out of your wallet.
Hidden fees. Inaccurate billing on your electricity usage. Customer service that can never do anything for you.
Signing up for what you thought would be cheap electricity doesn’t work how you hope it would in many cases.
That Is, Until You Try Pronto Power
Look, we have the cheapest prepaid electricity of all the no-deposit companies in Texas.
But everyone says that…so why trust us?
For starters, you don’t have to sign a contract. That means you can leave for any time, and for any reason.
Have a bad day at work? Cancel your contract!
Is it raining instead of being sunny out? Cancel your contract!
Stub your toe on your table leg? Cancel your contract.
Yep. It really works like that. It removes all the risk for you. But you get much more when you choose Pronto Power.
That includes the genuinely cheapest electricity rates in Texas. We bill accurately, and only for what you use.
You also don’t pay any fees. There’s no connection or disconnection fees. Nothing along those lines.
The only payment you make is an initial deposit…because we’re a prepaid electric company after all. And every penny of it goes toward the cost of your electricity. None of it is an additional fee.
What if you run into financial trouble? Say you lose your job. You’re confused as to how you’re going to pay your bills. You wonder if you’ll even make it.
Well, we’re here to help if you find yourself in that situation. You can defer payment, if necessary. Just give us a buzz and let us know what’s going on. We’ll find a solution for you and make it happen.
Join Pronto Power Today and Get the Cheapest Electricity, Without Any Deposit, in Under an Hour
If your home already has a smart meter, you can connect for free within an hour. Just call 844.621.2852 to sign up now.
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday