Weather Alert: Due to inclement weather, our business hours will be 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on January 21 and 22. Regular business hours will resume on January 23. Thank you for your understanding!

For those affected by COVID-19, please click this link to learn more about the Electricity Relief Program.
Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Cheaper Than All Other Electricity Providers in Houston. Bar None.

Has this ever happened to you:

You find an insanely cheap deal on electricity. Maybe just 2-6 cents per kWh.

Excited, you rush to sign the company’s contract and join.

You read a little bit about their fees and policies.

You pay their deposit.

And you feel absolutely great because you know you’re saving so much.

Then, you find yourself hit with a $200 fee. Apparently, you crossed a usage threshold of 1000 kWh.

Customer service has also forced you to pay a fee just for taking your payment over the phone.

Frustrated, you also find that when you don’t want to renew your contract, you pay a disconnection fee.

And, did you check your bill to see if you pay the dreaded “estimated charges?”

REPs use this to estimate your usage certain months based on past months.

And guess who’s favor they estimate in?

Aaaargghh! What at first appeared a dream has now become a nightmare.

What can you do?

Join Pronto Power: Cheaper Than All Other Houston Electricity Providers With No Hidden Fees or Contract

At Pronto Power, we charge you a single kWh rate.

…And that’s it!

You don’t sign a contract intended to trap you in a relationship that’s only beneficial to the company.

You don’t pay hidden fees.

In fact, you don’t pay fees of any kind.

Instead, you simply prepay for your electricity however you want: monthly, weekly, or daily if needed.

If you have trouble paying your bill, don’t sweat it. Just call our friendly customer service team and we’re happy to work out a payment arrangement with you.

And with a good payment history, you can eventually switch to normal post-pay at the end of the month.

So, you get consistent, fair, and the cheapest rates in Houston, with no contract, and no hidden fees.

Sounds good?

Great. We’d love to have you. Call 844.621.2852 to join free today!

PS…remember that you don’t sign a contract. So this is a risk-free relationship! Join or cancel whenever you want, for any reason you want.

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday