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Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Cheap Electricity in Houston. No Contract. No Hidden Fees.

Want the cheapest electricity in Houston?

…You’ve certainly been promised that before.

So when we make that offer, you’re skeptical. And for good reason.

Because in the past, you’ve been burned by other companies claiming to offer you the cheapest prepaid rates.

They tell you that you will get the cheapest rates. You actually pay that rate. But then they make up for it with all sorts of crazy hidden fees.

Fees for connecting and disconnecting your service. Fees for customer service just to do their job and take your payment by phone. A huge up-front deposit. And sometimes, a huge fee for crossing a certain monthly usage threshold like 1000 kWh.

And, since you’re locked into a contract, you can’t escape. You’re stuck.

…But you might be able to pay a ridiculously high fee to get out of it!

Pronto Power Doesn’t Require You to Sign a Contract. And You Never Pay Any Hidden Fees.

Compare all the costs involved with your electricity service, and we’re the cheapest prepaid electricity provider in Houston.

We do advertise cheap rates. And because you never pay any hidden fees of any sort, those rates are in fact the lowest rates you can pay in Houston. Just compare all the hidden fees you’d have to pay with another company for proof!

And since you don’t sign a contract, that means you have no risk. If you don’t like your service for any reason, you can simply leave. And there’s no obnoxious disconnection fees stopping you from going somewhere else! Heck, you can leave just because your boss is being a pain-in-the-butt if you want.

…But you probably won’t want to leave Pronto Power.

Then, prepay however you want – monthly, weekly, or even daily. And with good prepayment history, you can move to traditional post-pay in just a few months.

Keep just a single cent in your prepaid account and your electricity stays on. Run into a horrible financial disaster, and just give our friendly customer service team a call. They’re happy to work out a payment plan with you that gets you through the most difficult financial stress.

What’s there not to like?

Join Pronto Power free within the hour (if your home has a smart meter) when you call 844.621.2852.

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday