For those affected by COVID-19, please click this link to learn more about the Electricity Relief Program.
Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Prepay Electric with Friendly, Helpful Customer Service for All of Burleson

Do any of the following happen when you call you REP’s customer service?

“Uh. I’m sorry. Company policy doesn’t allow me to do that.”

“Hold on. Let me transfer you to the right team for that.” And then when you talk to the next service associate, they do the same thing.

“Yes. We take payment over the phone. Here’s our fee for that.” Wait a minute! Why would your REP charge just to do their job?

Unfortunately, these scenarios, and dozens of others just like them, are the standard of service at most REPs.

Here’s how customer service goes when you call Pronto Power:

“Yes. I can do that.”

“Gee. I’m sorry to hear that. Let me help you fix that.”

“Sorry to hear you’re having so much financial trouble. Let me help you get an extension so your electricity stays on.”

Wow! That’s easy! Customer service like it should be.

Why is Pronto Power So Much Cheaper than Other Electric Companies, While Still Offering Such Amazing Service?

We simply have a different business model that takes a long-term approach, rather than short-term quick fixes.

Other companies who charge you all sorts of crazy and unreasonable hidden fees, while also not offering you customer service that’s even worth the slightest rip, want their profit now.

Maybe they have a CEO who needs to show good numbers to their board. Maybe their impatient. And maybe it’s just the way they learned to operate based on past experiences.

We don’t know.

But we do know that at Pronto Power, you get treated right – with respect and courtesy. Plus, you get the cheapest prepaid no-deposit power in Texas.

Not only is this the right thing to do, but this keeps our operating costs down because we don’t have to always pay to advertise and find new customers. Plus, it keeps our marketing costs down because you happily tell your friends and family about your positive experiences.

This makes us a much healthier and more stable company over the years and decades. And since the savings get passed on to you:

Ready for the cheapest prepaid electric company in Texas? We’d love to have you too.

Plus, cancel anytime and for any reason, with no disconnection fees if you’re not happy.

Getting the cheapest rates just can’t be any easier!

Call 844.621.2852 to join Pronto Power within the hour (if your home has a smart meter).

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday