Energy deregulation was supposed to increase competition so consumers like you would get better rates and contract terms.
But, there’s serious question as to whether that’s actually happened. Some studies suggest electricity rates have actually increased.
Electric companies haven’t consciously banded together to force market prices higher. That’s highly illegal. However, they can observe what the other is doing and then do the same themselves. For whatever reason, nearly every electric company in Texas forces you into contracts with unreasonably high, and even hidden, fees.
That is, until now.
How Does Pronto Power Work Differently?
Look, we don’t charge you hidden fees for any reason. Ever.
…And we back it up by not requiring you to sign a contract. Since you don’t pay any connection or disconnection fees, you’re free to join or leave our service whenever you want.
You can leave for any reason. Get in an argument with your spouse? Feel free to take it out on us and change your service.
It really works like that.
It’s all because of our prepaid service structure.
To keep your electricity on, you simply need to keep your account balance at just a single cent by 1 PM each day. You’ll get a text or email reminder at 7 AM each morning regarding your balance and usage.
…And if life throws you a lot of financial trouble, simply give our friendly customer reps a call. They’ll be happy to work out a payment plan that helps you make it through the roughest of times.
Get Connected for Free Within the Hour
If your home has a smart meter, you can join Pronto Power and get access to the cheapest electricity rates in Texas (with no hidden fees) in under an hour.
Just call 844.621.2852 now.
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday