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How to Use Off-Peak Hours to Reduce Electricity Costs

Have you ever looked at your power bill and wondered where all that power went? The Pronto Power team might have an answer for you. The culprit could be that you’re doing major chores and power-needing activities during peak hours. By swapping your chores to off-peak hours, you can help shrink your electricity costs!

What are Off-Peak Hours?

When it comes to electric companies, peak hours are times when electric demands are high. Off-peak are times of day when demand for electricity is low, and rates are at their most wallet-friendly. Typically, this means late at night or early in the morning when most people are catching sleep. Peak hours can also differ with the seasons, with the heat of summer taking up AC needs between 2 – 6 p.m. for many. In the winter, these energy demands look a little different! With Pronto Power, the prepaid electric company on a mission to save you cash, making the most of these off-peak hours has never been easier.

Why Do Energy Companies Even Have Off-Peak Hours?

Utility companies have to keep an eye on the grid and the stress put on it. They also know when the stress will be at its highest. When demand increases (when more people need to use the grid), power companies have to generate more electricity — which often costs more. That additional cost gets passed on to the people and businesses that use energy more during those high-demand times. 

How to Make the Most of Off-Peak Hours

Let us preface by saying we get that off-peak hours aren’t convenient or possible for everyone. People with demanding jobs, families to juggle, or even a routine they like sticking to might find that doing laundry or dishes during off-peak hours isn’t feasible. 

If you’re someone who can be flexible with your time, however, here’s how you can manage off-peak hours: 

With Pronto Power and a little strategic planning, you can slash your electricity bills and still get all your major chores done – all while keeping your hard-earned cash where it belongs: in your pocket. Want to learn more about how we work? Visit our website to learn more!


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