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How to Save on Your New Home’s Electric Bill

Buying a new home?

We’re closing in on that time of year again.

If you don’t already know, the Texas real estate frenzy is expected to slow in 2022.

Supporting that theory is the fact that Austin fell from the hottest housing market in the entire nation in 2020 to the 10th hottest real estate market in 2021.

Because real estate prices have climbed in Texas so much recently, affordability issues are expected to slow purchasing.

So don’t give up hope! You may have a better chance of getting your new home this year than you thought.

And if you do, you’ll want to keep it as energy-efficient as possible so you have the money you need to live comfortably:

1. Smart Thermostat

They cost $150 – $200 and can easily save you 10 – 30% on your energy bills.

You can easily install one yourself if your home doesn’t already have one.

An absolute no-brainer!

2. Insulate Your Hot Water Heater

Heating water is one of the leading energy costs in your home.

A hot water jacket costs $20 – $30 and takes zero handyman skills to install.

Plus, you get excellent energy savings when it comes to heating water.

Just like a smart thermostat, a hot water jacket is another no-brainer.

3. Low-Flow Water Faucets and Showerheads

Yet another no-brainer here.

These fixtures reduce your water usage by 25 – 60%.

They also don’t cost much.

And like the previous two ideas, they don’t require any serious DIY skills to install.

4. Use Ceiling Fans

During warmer weather, ceiling fans help you feel cool and rely on your HVAC system less.

Believe it or not, they don’t actually cool your home down at all (just your body).

That can add up to quite a significant energy savings!

During the winter, ceiling fans push warm air down from the ceiling and onto you.

Just make sure your ceiling fans spin the right direction: counterclockwise during warm weather and clockwise during cold weather.

5. Sealing Cracks and Gaps

Yes, you did hire a home inspector. However, it’s not their job to find annoyances.

Their job is to find what you can consider “defects.”

Cracks and gaps aren’t necessarily defects.

So, it’ll be your job to find and seal those.

Again, this does not require serious handyman skills.

To find said cracks and gaps, light an incense stick and pass it around your home on a breezy day. Focus on areas likely to have cracks such as any corner, windows, doors, or any place where pipes or electrical lines penetrate your home.

Simply watch for the smoke on the incense stick to move to identify the gaps.

Seal those cracks and gaps with weatherstripping or outdoor or indoor caulk, as the situation dictates.

Every dollar saved counts…and so does the energy you save!

Now you can get both when you move into your new home.

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