Most summer energy savings discussion only talks about reducing your electricity use.
But, it should include humidity reduction too.
That’s because humidity makes you feel uncomfortable. The higher the humidity, the hotter you feel, and the more air conditioning you use.
And, consistently high humidity leaves your home vulnerable to growing mold and mildew.
So it makes good sense to spend your time figuring out how you can reduce it using the least amount of energy possible.
Here’s what you can do to keep your humidity low:
1. Properly Maintain Your Air Conditioner
Did you see that one coming?
Your air conditioner removes warm air and replaces it with much cooler air. That also reduces humidity.
So, anything you can do that keeps the efficiency of your air conditioner in tune helps you remove air moisture in the most efficient way possible.
AC maintenance is easy. You can do it yourself. Even if you’re not a handy person.
2. Use Your Ventilation Fans
A great way to make your home more humid and uncomfortable is to just let the humidity and hot air from your showers, dryer, or stove, loose in your home.
Instead, run all exhaust fans while you use these appliances. And make sure your dryer is properly ventilated outside.
Let the exhaust fans run for a few minutes following use to ensure you let all the hot, humid air out.
3. Keep Your Gutters Clean
Interestingly, backed-up gutters clogged with years of sticks and leaves actually cause leaks to run inside your home.
More water in your home means you have more humidity because that water will eventually evaporate and then remain present in the air in your home.
Clogged gutters can lead to far worse problems also. If the water overflows near your foundation for a long enough time, it can actually cause cracks to form in your foundation.
And that’s an extremely costly repair.
4. Take Care of Your Pipes and Faucets
Notice any leaks? Have them fixed ASAP.
Again, the water that comes out will evaporate into the air and raise the humidity in your home.
Also, wrap your pipes in insulation (something easy you can do yourself) to keep condensation from forming.
You’ll feel most comfortable at 30 – 50% humidity. If you go lower than that, you’ll frequently experience static shots and damage hardwood floors.
And if you go higher, well, you know how uncomfortable you get.
To measure the humidity in your home, purchase a hygrometer or moisture meter.
Managing your home’s humidity isn’t overly difficult. Yes, it’s another thing to tend to. But it’s simple and quick.
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday
8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday