Every bit of energy you save makes a difference.
Not only does that add up in your wallet, but you help the earth out too.
And then you can feel good about doing your part to care for the planet.
Fortunately, you don’t have to buy and install completely new windows.
That is the way to guarantee the best energy efficiency. But it’s not necessarily in your budget.
And you can get excellent efficiency by doing things that cost much less. Plus, you don’t need to be a superstar handyman to make it all happen.
Here’s what to do to make your windows as energy efficient as possible:
1. Use Insulated Blinds
This is a highly effective way to save energy. You have more options than you could ever imagine when you shop for insulated blinds.
So, shop around a little.
The only downside is that you have to close your blinds to get the energy savings benefits.
That may spoil your view and make you feel a little isolated.
2. Install Weatherstripping
Doing this costs a little time, but it is affordable and easy to do. It’s also not quite as effective as other methods for optimizing your windows’ efficiency.
You can get felt, open-cell foam, metal, and vinyl weatherstripping, each with their own pros and cons.
Felt goes on the easiest, doesn’t cost much, but doesn’t handle moisture well or last as long as other methods.
Vinyl doesn’t cost a lot, and is harder to install.
Magnetic strips work the best but cost the most.
You’ll have to research each and figure out which makes most sense for you.
3. Install Window Film
It only costs about $15 per window to install window film, making it quite a cost-effective option.
The film on your glass simply acts as an additional layer of insulation.
And it’s fairly easy to install.
The problem is that window film can look somewhat unattractive when installed.
4. Check and Replace Caulk
Caulk becomes quite rigid when dry, which means it’s extremely effective at insulating the gaps and cracks around your windows.
Understand that caulk works better than any products advertising themselves as a “sealant.”
Sealants have more flexibility when they dry, which makes them better to use in areas with materials that expand or contract.
Already have caulk? This guide explains how to remove old caulk.
Well, there you have it, several cost-effective options for optimizing your windows’ energy efficiency.
Now you can have efficient windows, without the hassle and expense of installing completely new ones.
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