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Get Started Today 1-844-621-2852

Drive Your Cost of Electricity Through the Floor with Pronto Power

Do you feel confused with all the different offers you find from retail electricity providers?

Do you feel nervous when they ask you to sign a contract?

Have you already been burned by a company promising you the best rates and stellar service?

It happens. So much so that in fact the Public Utility Commission had to tell electric companies to clear up their advertising – or the Commission would do it for them!

The free market creates competition, which usually works in favor of consumers. But it also creates confusion.

At Pronto Power You Get the Lowest Cost of Electricity and Highest Service – With No Stupid Contract to Sign!

This really is not a joke. You donā€™t sign a contract. Thereā€™s no ID check. In fact, you donā€™t experience any hassles at all.

So by now, youā€™re probably thinking,ā€Ok. So whatā€™s the catch?ā€

You simply have to prepay for your electricity. Thatā€™s it.

Then, you keep your account balance positive each daily with help from a text or email (or both) reminder. As long as you keep just a lousy cent in your account, your electricity stays on.

Thatā€™s it!

Thereā€™s no connection or disconnection fees. Thereā€™s no fees of any kind. You simply pay a kWh rate for exactly the electricity you use. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And if you do have extreme financial difficulty to the point where you can no longer afford that single penny in your account, please call us! Weā€™re happy to help you through the most difficult of financial situations.

As an added bonus, many of our customers save 15-25% more than most Texans when they use our online electricity usage monitoring software. It shows you how you use electricity in real time. Simply turn off your TV, and watch the monitor fall. Then, create your own energy savings plan.

Thatā€™s all there is to it!

No contract? No hidden fees? No hassles of any kind?

Yep. Thatā€™s what you get with Pronto Power. Just call 844.621.2852 to sign up today!

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday