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Cheaper Than All Other No Deposit Electric Companies in Bedford

What’re you really paying your REP for your electricity?

It can actually be hard to tell.

Many litter your electric bill with all sorts of hidden charges. You get charged for peak and off-peak use. You may have had to make a huge up-front deposit.

And their customer service might even charge you just to take your payment.

So, you have to add up all those other charges in addition to your stated kWh rate to figure out what you really pay.

The average kWh rate in Texas runs 11.67 cents – 12.30 cents per kWh. So if you’re paying somewhere around that, you’re getting a relatively fair shake.

But, when you add in all those hidden charges, your costs can easily skyrocket to 15 – 22 cents per kWh!

Get Bedford’s Cheapest Prepay Electric Rates with No Hidden Fees and No Contract!

Yep. That’s all there is to it. And there is no catch.

You pay the cheapest prepaid rates not just in Bedford, but in all of Texas. And, you have the opportunity to save 20% on those rates (find out how below).

Then you simply pay however works best for you: monthly, weekly, or even daily if you need.

And if you can’t pay on time for any reason, please contact our customer service team. They’re happy to help you work out a deferred payment plan that gets you through even the most dire financial circumstances.

Plus, with Pronto Power, there’s:

In other words, the cheapest no deposit electricity is simply available to you.

Plus, Save an Additional 20%

And yes. You can save an additional 20% on the cheapest prepaid electricity rates in Texas.

When you join Pronto Power, you get free access to an online electricity usage monitoring tool.

You learn exactly how you’re using electricity right this second.

Then, simply change your behavior to see how that affects your electricity usage.

Many of our customers save 20%, and some even more!

Join Pronto Power Free Today!

Look, it just doesn’t get any better. You don’t sign a contract. And you don’t pay any connection or disconnection fees.

So you have no risk in trying.

And you can join free within the hour by calling 844.621.2852!

New Customers

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Customer Care

8:00am-6:00pm Mon-Fri
Closed on Saturday & Sunday