If your Fort Worth electric bill seems difficult to understand, Pronto Power would like to help. Learn what kWh stands for, why your bill might show 2 or more rates, and why the amount per kWh for 990 kWh is different from one for 1090 kWh.
The first page of your bill is a summary. Listed are the amount of energy used, how much was paid last month, how much is due this month, and your usage throughout the past 12 months. If all you want to do is pay your bill or see how much your bill was for the month, that is the only page you need. However, it is worth looking at the succeeding pages to determine how you use your electricity and whether you can change your habits to decrease the total amount due.
• What does kWh mean?
kWh is the standard measurement of how electricity is used and stands for kilowatt/hour, or how many thousands of watts of electricity you are using per hour.
• What is an EFL?
EFL stands for Electricity Facts Label, which is provided to Texas customers since you have a choice of electricity providers. To be able to compare plans plainly, the EFL was created.
While Pronto Power never ties customers to a contract, some electric companies do. Those charges must be included on the EFL as well as the date the contract ends. Other items on the EFL include whether you have chosen fixed or variable electricity rates, and how much each of the variable rates will cost per kWh.
• Average price per kWh
The amount due on your bill may vary depending on your usage. A small dwelling, such as an apartment or condominium, generally uses 500 kWh or so. A small home’s usage is closer to 1000 kWh per month, while a large home may use up to 2000 kWh per month.
You may also note the charge per kWh changes throughout the year. When energy use is high, such as during the summer when everyone in Texas is using an air conditioner, the amount per kWh is higher than during that small window of opportunity in spring when you might not use the heater or the air conditioner.
• Base charge
This fee is stable every month. Most companies charge a minimal monthly fee, around $5-$10 a month. Read the EFL carefully because some companies charge significantly higher base charges.
• Energy charge
This rate is what the retail energy provider (REP), such as Pronto Power, charges. The name on your bill is who charges the energy charge.
• TDU or TDSP charge
The Transmission and Distribution Utility or Transmission and Delivery Service Provider is the company in charge of the physical parts of the electrical grid: the power plants, transmission lines, and meters. During power outages, these are the folks who will bring it back online.
The REP and TDU charges may be listed separately or together.
• Type of product
If your plan is fixed, your rate cannot change through the length of your contract. If it is variable, your rate may fluctuate, which could lead to excessively large bills.
When you compare rates, be aware that many providers lure you in with a variable rate, then change the rate significantly after a few months.
• Pre-pay plans
These are often higher rates per kWh and are designed for customers whose credit scores need improving.
• Renewable content
Plans sometimes include renewable energy incentives, and this area gives you the percentage of energy generated from renewable sources. Many solar energy plans in Texas are inexpensive and do not require solar panels.
Call Pronto Power at 844 621-2852 any time you have questions about your Fort Worth electric bill or energy usage. Our customer service team is ready to listen and help you understand how to read your bill.
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