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5 Energy-Saving Tips for Remote Workers

If your home office has become your second home, you might have noticed a spike in your energy bills. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Roughly 12% of workers WFH full time, and another 28% work a hybrid model with some of their time working from home and some time commuting to the office. Our team has five easy and practical energy-saving tips to keep both your workspace and your wallet happy.

Let the Light In

Embrace natural light during your work hours. Position your desk near a window to soak up that sunshine. This is great for two reasons. First, exposure to natural light boosts your mood. For remote workers struggling with not having casual conversations around the office, this mood boost can help them keep productive and in better spirits. Second benefit is that it’ll also save you from relying on artificial lighting. Mother Nature’s lights are pretty hard to beat!


Invest in Energy-Efficient Tech

If it’s time to upgrade your tech arsenal, consider energy-efficient options. Look for devices with ENERGY STAR ratings. They’re like the superheroes of energy efficiency. These gadgets are designed to save power without sacrificing performance, making them perfect for your home office.


Power Down Unnecessary Gadgets

We all love our gadgets, but do they all need to be on 24/7? Probably not. When you’re not using your television, printer, or other peripherals, give them a break. Turn them off and unplug them. Not only will you save energy, but you might extend the lifespan of your devices.


Mindful Power Strips

Power strips are your silent energy allies. Invest in a smart power strip that can sense when your devices are in standby mode and cut off the power supply. It’s like having a personal energy-saving assistant for all your gadgets!


Temperature Control with Care

We all want the Goldilocks zone in our home office – not too hot, not too cold. This can seem like a blessing for those stuck in offices too cold or too hot for our liking! But unfortunately for us, the thermostat isn’t free. In fact, heating and cooling often eats up the biggest chunk of power bills. Consider layering up with cozy sweaters or using a fan before reaching for that thermostat dial. If you’re struggling with the cold, portable heaters can be a great way to get warm without breaking the bank. Small adjustments can make a big difference in your energy bill.

With these tweaks, you can create an eco-friendly and efficient home office without breaking a sweat. At Pronto Power, we’re all about helping people pay less and save more on their home energy. Learn more about how we operate, and discover how our solutions are saving Texans serious money. 


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